Joseph Gregori High School DSLR Photography McCarthy |
Friday, May 15
For our Final Builders Challenge of the School Year, we turn back to one of the earliest assignments from the school year: Symmetry. Let’s begin with three definitions:
Here are examples of our definitions from the video, appropriately titled, Symmetry:
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Your Challenge: Using Google Slides, place images together to create Symmetry. Complete a title slide followed by four slides slides, each with two photos, side-by-side, that correspond with one another, either by creating a mirror-like image, two parts of a whole, or communication between the two images. Review the worksheet and video above for excellent examples.
Final Deadline: Friday, May 22.
Thursday, May 7
Due to technical difficulties, today’s Builder Awards Ceremony presentation will not be delivered in video form. Instead, I am announcing them below:
Best Creative Transformation
Winner: Harrison H.
Congratulations Harrison!
Best Stop Motion Project
Winner: Mollie P.
Congratulations Mollie!
Check back here tomorrow for the next creative challenge!
Tuesday, April 28
Due to (very) low turnout for the stop motion challenge, I have extended the project submission date to Sunday, May 3. Students who would like to participate in this challenge should read directions below. For the few students who have submitted entries, you may either improve upon your first entry by revising the effort, or simply submitting a second entry for consideration.
Monday, April 20
Second Creative Challenge
This week’s challenge is to create a stop motion video by shooting at least twenty images and creating an Adobe Spark video. Here is a link to a series of stop motion videos and here is my own (very simple) creation. Create a Spark Video and send the link (by Friday!) to
Monday, April 13

It’s been close to a month since I last posted to our class website. This is the last photo I took while school was still in session. Fourth period photography students, each wearing surgical gloves.
Let’s Talk Grading
As you should know by now, all new fourth quarter assignments will not count towards your second semester grade. The assignments and activities that I will continue to post will be considered enrichment activities. You are not required to complete them, but it’s my hope that you will join an online creative community where we can create and share our work. For details on enrichment activities and challenges, see below.
How to Improve Your Third Quarter Grade
If you are interested in improving your third quarter grade, you must email me on or before Friday, April 17 in order to request appointment to discuss makeup work. Once you email, I will reply and we can discuss makeup work.
Deadline for all makeup work: May 15, 2020.
Fourth Quarter Enrichment Activities
Because all fourth quarter assignments are optional, I have been searching for ways to encourage students to participate with ongoing creative activity. Here is the plan: Every Monday, I will post a creative challenge. These challenge assignments are due by Friday of the same week. Best submissions will be celebrated with an online “Builder Bars Award Ceremony.” Winners will actually receive Builder Bar trophy in the mail, compliments of me, Mr. McCarthy.
First Creative Challenge
Present at least 5 (and no more than 10) of your most representative images of photos you’ve taken since school has closed. Include a caption for each of the photos you present. Post these photos to a Spark page and send the link to
Here is my humble example of the First Creative Challenge:
Wednesday, March 18
Hello everyone. Today’s assignment is very simple. Document today’s attendees. Shoot a photo that documents everyone who attended class today. This could be a single group photo (six feet social distancing please!) or individual photos. I’m learning that fewer and fewer students are attending, so this should be easy! Share with Mr. McCarthy.
Last, but not least: send me an email and say “Hello!”
Wednesday, March 18
Hello everyone. Today’s assignment is very simple. Document today’s attendees. Shoot a photo that documents everyone who attended class today. This could be a single group photo (six feet social distancing please!) or individual photos. I’m learning that fewer and fewer students are attending, so this should be easy! Share with Mr. McCarthy.
Monday, March 16
Mr. McCarthy is absent again. Explanation: My son has been ill all weekend, exhibiting flu-like symptoms. I am following the advice of experts and imposing a little social distancing. Because the school district is offering excused absences to those of you who stay at home, I anticipate lower rates of attendance before Thursday’s closure.
Three lite assignments today:
1. Begin a Google Doc Journal. For today’s class and for Wednesday’s class, one journal entry each. This is your journal prompt: In what ways has your life changed and the life of those around you changed because of the coronavirus outbreak? Has your family met to discuss plans for the next few weeks? If so, please describe.
2. When you finish, you are to view images at The Atlantic: Photos of the Week.
3. Lastly, take at least one meaningful photo today. It doesn’t have to be taken during 1st period. It can be taken at school or at home. Extra credit for those of you who demonstrate the changes that are taking place at school, in Modesto, at your home. Share it with me via Google Drive.
Friday, March 13
Mr. McCarthy is absent today. Because today is a minimum day, I’d like you to complete a simple exercise. Using your cell phone, take a photo of of your name. You can write it on paper, locate it on a school form, whatever. Shoot a photo, then upload the photo to Google Drive, and share it with me at
That’s it.
Here is today’s JNN:
Thursday, March 12
How to Safely Remove Disposable Gloves
Friday, March 6
Mr. McCarthy is absent today, and in my sted, I have arranged two activities for you.
Activity #1: Combine images together to create a panorama. Video Tutorial is here.
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Activity #2: View TED Video and respond to questions.
Image is linked to video.
Assignment: Using paper and pen(cil), retell, using your own words, the following stories that David Griffin shares: 1) Photographer Nick Nichols went to document a very small and relatively unknown wildlife sanctuary in Chad; 2) Jonas Bendiksen shot on location in Mumbai, India; 3) underwater photographer Brian Skerry and photojournalist Randy Olson documented the depletion of the world’s fisheries; 4) James Nachtwey took a look at the sweep of the medical system that is utilized to handle the American wounded coming out of Iraq; 5) Photographer Paul Nicklin traveled to Antarctica to shoot a story on leopard seals.
“Title this document TED: David Griffen” and submit it to the substitute before you leave class today.
Have a fine weekend everyone!
Tuesday, March 3
Photo recreations due today:
Monday, February 24
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How to Change a Hard Light into a Soft Light
Friday, February 21
Project Announcement: Recreate a famous photo. Your photo must come from the work of an artist on the 100 Most Influential Artists List.
Due Monday/Tuesday: Submit Photo You Would Like to Recreate.
Photographer Recreates Famous Portraits
22 famous paintings revisited as photographs
Friday, February 14
Tuesday, February 11
Today’s Activity:
Thursday, February 7
DUE TODAY: Audio File for Portrait of a Photographer Video 2
Today’s Activity:
Monday-Friday, January 27-31
Studio: With a partner, student shoot 5 primary lighting patterns.
Lab: Students work to complete “Portrait of a Photographer” Research Project. Due Mon (per 1_) Tues (per 4), beginning of class.
Thursday/Friday, January 23/24
Turn in 3 of your best shots:lastname_bestESP.jpg, last name_2ESP.jpg, last name_3ESP.jpg
Portrait of a Photographer Project:
Tuesday/Wednesday, January 21/22 VIDEO: Master the 5 Primary Lighting Patterns Thursday, January 16 Wednesday, January 15 Monday/Tuesday, January 13/14, 2020 Welcome back everyone! Assignment 1: Portfolio Review Reflection Assignment Assignment 2: Select 10 Best JNN Instagram Photos Assignment 3: Delete Photos from Computers Tuesday, Dec 17 Elena Ascaso Monday, Dec 16 Period 1 Portfolios Rozan Abuziyada Monday, Dec 9 Semester 1 Portfolio Requirements: Friday, Dec 6 Today is the last day to turn in make-up work. Monday, Nov 25 Directions for exporting and naming design spreads: Monday, Nov 18 Friday, Nov 15 My suggestions for organizing your design looks: Now, on the the video directions: Wednesday, Nov 13 Create folder on desktop and name it NSPA Design Award Selections. Screenshot your selections. Rename screenshot to “year of award_student name” Place in folder. Here are your links: 2019 Individual Award Finalists Tuesday, Nov 12 Thursday, Nov 7 Monday, Nov 4 Monday + Wednesday Class Activities: 2. Apply one relevant quotation from What Makes a Good Photograph? to each of the ten images you present. Examples: Monday, Oct 28 Today’s Class Activities: Wednesday, Oct 23 Wednesday, Oct 23 Thursday/Friday, Oct 17/18 Click link below to access today’s assignment: Tuesday, Oct 15 Today’s Class Activities: UPDATE: Significant Project Dates:
Portfolios Due (12/13) Gold Day
DUE THURSDAY/FRIDAY: ENVIRONMENTAL SELF-PORTRAIT [Turn in 3 of your best shots] You may use cell phone or DSLR Camera
Today’s Activities outlined on this PDF:
For today’s class, students will receive final assignment grades, portfolio feedback, and a series of images.
Read through feedback from your peers and Mr. McCarthy. Using a pen(cil), answer the following questions:
1. Complete sentences: Describe the general feedback from your peers. What kinds of feedback repeat?
2. Complete sentences: What photo(s) do you peers point to as their favorite(s).
3 Have you learned anything specific about your photography based on what you’ve read this morning? Describe with complete sentences.
4. In your opinion, was this Portfolio Review Assignment useful to you as a photographer? Why or why not?
Choose what you think are the 10 Best JNN Instagram Photos and order them (from powerful to least powerful.) Write the numbers of the selected photos on the back side of of your Portfolio Reflection Assignment.
Link to JNN Instagram Photos
New seating arrangements begin Wednesday. Please clear your semester 1 computer for the next student to use.
Antonio Ayala
Joseph Benavidez
Ahriaana Burnham
Edith Cardenas
Daniela Chavez
Kallie Conklin
Jasmine Cook
Assul Coss
Jocelyn Fahlen
Roy Ferdinand
Victoria Goff
Cameron Hill
Sahira Jones
Tuesday Law
Liliana Lopez
Cameron Mercer
Kaitlyn Morales
Britani Moreno
Thalia Ochoa
Mollie Parenti
Cassandra Perez
Isabel Perez
Kylie Perreira
Alexis Rocha
Alex Salas
Kyla Sartin
Abigail Stevens
Joshua Tidmarsh
Gracie Tucker
Rory Vance
Sarah VanderVeen
Jesus Acevedo
Andrea Ballis
Johan Banez
Matheo Beaty
Lupita Cabrera
Evan Campos
Marco Castaneda
Alexia Castro
John Fernandez
Johnathan Flores
Sierra Hillis
Allen Hirmiz
Eric Howard
Olivia Keller
Haven Leer
Hunter Miller
Kent Miller
Monica Ochoa
Erik Padilla
Lauren Santino
Brooke Schoonover
Mario Shahatah
Jordan Tagara
Jonathan Tischman
Justin Toste
Erika Valencia
Vanessa Vargas
Kalena Vaughan
Angel Vazquez
Due Today: Andy Warhol Portraits.
file name: lastname_Warhol1.jpg
Extra Credit Opportunity:
Complete second Andy Warhol style Portrait with an image you have taken of someone else. Look through your semester images for the right portrait. filename: last name_Warhol2.jpg
On Friday, I reviewed student work on Three Page Spreads and it was clear that the majority of you needed an additional class period to polish and perfect the spreads you’ve been working on for the past week. Today is that day. Below, you will find directions for exporting your work from an InDesign file to a PDF. Export and submit spreads to teacher drop box by the end of the period. In the event you finish early, I encourage you to review Powerschool for any make-up work you need to complete.
Final day to turn in make up work is December 6. I will not accept any late assignments after this date.
Today, we continue with design spreads. We will be adding “dummy text” to areas of spread that require text.
Lorem Ipsum: The Dummy Text Generator
Lorem Ipsum Word Doc
Ladies and gentlemen, once again this week, Mr. McCarthy is elsewhere during our class meeting time. I am compensating for my absence with a video that outlines today’s activities. Before you view it, take a look at the board and you will see these general directions:
1. Consider using your water rocket photos. Great photos were shot and many of you have the opportunity to design a spread that focuses on this single event.
2. Design other spreads based on a single composition assignment of your choosing (ie Contrast, Leading Lines, etc.)
3. One of your designs should mirror your online portfolio; in other words, design a spread that reflects your best work over the first semester.
Today’s activity asks you to view award winning student designs that incorporate photos and text. Your goal is simple: collect the images and examples that appeal to you. What looks good, exciting, interesting? (Keep in mind that you are also searching for potential models to emulate).
NSPA Awards (Scroll down and select Individual Awards/ Design of the Year)
Mr. McCarthy is not present today. He has recorded a video that will lead you through the InDesign activity we began last week. Please follow video and be ready to show completed InDesign exercise tomorrow in class.
Due today: 10 Diagonals Photos. Five of these photos must use people as your subject.
Due Thursday (11/7)/Friday (11/8): 10 Diagonal Photos. Five of these photos must use people as your subject.
1. Identify 10 images that demonstrate DIAGONALS from any site of your choosing. Create a Google Slides Presentation in which you display the most interesting shots you discover. For each slide featuring a photo, credit the photographer and website (by title and web address).Create a title slide with the following information: Photos That Show Contrast/ by First Lastname.
Due Thursday (10/31)/Friday (11/1): 10 Contrast Photos. Five of these photos must use people as your subject.Only five photos may feature silhouette
1. Identify 5 images that demonstrate CONTRAST from any site of your choosing. Create a Google Slides Presentation in which you display the most interesting shots you discover. For each slide featuring a photo, credit the photographer and website (by title and web address).Create a title slide with the following information: Photos That Show Contrast/ by First Lastname.
Due today: 10 Move Up Close/ Fill the Frame Photos. Four of these photos must use people as your subject.
Due Thurs (Per 1)/ Friday (Per 4): 10 Move Up Close/ Fill the Frame Photos. Four of these photos must use people as your subject.
Due Today: 10 Leading Lines Photos.
Due Thursday: Leading Lines Photos.
1. Identify 5 images that demonstrate LEADING LINES from the site linked by the image below. Create a Google Slides Presentation in which you display the most interesting shots you discover. Create a title slide with the following information: Photos That Show Leading Lines/ by First Lastname. The Atlantic: PHOTOS OF THE WEEK
2. Use a Rule of Thirds Photo to create a Title image for your Spark Portfolio. Apply Required information to the empty space. No Papyrus or Comic Sans!
Completed: Symmetry + Rule of Thirds
Completed: Framing Shots
Completed: Repetition of Shapes
Leading Lines (10/17, 10/18)
Move Up Close /Fill the Frame (10/24, 10/25)
Contrast (10/31, 11/01)
Diagonals (11/7, 11/8)
Monday, Oct 7
Due today: Repetition of Shapes/Patterns Photos. Complete attached assignment below.
Friday, Oct 4
Mr. McCarthy has recorded today’s lesson on a video. Log in to “Class Resources” and pull video onto your desktop before watching it. If you don’t remember how to do this, ask your neighbor.
Due Monday, October 7/ Tuesday October 8: Ten Repetition of Shapes Photos.
Details: Shoot many photos, not just ten! Final ten photos must include 5 photos of repeating people, one of which must be candid.
![]() View more in “Composition” by Bradley Wilson |
Today’s Class Activities:
1. Identify 10 repetition of shapes (pattern) images from the site linked by the image below. Create a Google Slides Presentation in which you display the most interesting shots you discover. Apply selected text from your website reading (view example in video).
Monday/Tuesday, September 30/Oct 1
Due Today: Framing Photos + “20 Compositional Techniques” written assignment
Today’s Class Activity:
Process Framing photos + Write About Framing Photos.
1. Batch Rename
2. Contact Sheet
3. Select 10 Photos to Submit
4. Color Correct all 10
5. Compress “Lastname_Framing” folder that contains 10 photos + contact sheet
6. Complete the following writing assignment
Thursday/Friday, September 26/27
Reminder: Framing Photos due Monday: Ten images, five of which must use a human as a subject, two of which must be candid.
Today’s Class Activities: Recognize and Repeat
Repeat Activity:
On Wednesday, you were to complete a Google Slides activity in which you identified 3 shallow depth of field images and 3 long depth of field images. For today’s camera activity, you are to shoot 3 shallow depth of field images and 3 long depth of field images of the same inanimate object. Choose an object offered by Mr. McCarthy, or choose your own object to shoot. Process all photos taken with a contact sheet. Turn in best 6 photos with contact sheet in a zipped file. Name of assignment: “lastname_3and3DOF”
Recognize Activity:
Visit “20 Composition Techniques That Will Improve Your Photos.” Study the description and examples for each technique and, for each, summarize the description with 1-2 sentences. Assignment should be written neatly on paper. Due Friday.
Monday, September 16
Today’s Class Activity
1. McCarthy introduces camera request/ checkout policy & procedures (see image link above right).
2. Camera Activity: Students shoot photos in three different white balance lighting environments. Process three best photos + contact sheet. Assignment Name: “Crayon1” Place contact sheet (of all photos) and 3 best photos in “lastname_crayon1” folder, compress, and turn in zip file to Teacher Drop Box.
Assignment: Using the website link above, select 3 Photos that reveal shallow depth of field and 3 photos that reveal long depth of field. Using Google Slides, label your photos and provide aperture settings for each. See further details on C110 whiteboard.
Announcement of Significant Project Dates:
Completed: Symmetry + Rule of Thirds
Framing Shots (Due 9/30, 10/1) Homecoming Rally 10/1 11:30
Repetition of Shapes (10/7, 10/8)
Leading Lines (10/15) Traditional Day
Move Up Close /Fill the Frame (10/21, 10/22)
Contrast (10/28, 10/29)
Diagonals (11/4, 11/5)
Portfolios Due (12/13) Gold Day
Monday, September 16
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Thursday, September 12
Wednesday, September 11
Due Today: Rule of Thirds Photos/Break Rof3 Photos and Written Descriptions (Step 1 & 2 for Rule of Thirds Only).
1. We will Rename Photos using Adobe Bridge today and create a contact sheet.
2. Place contact sheet and renamed photos into your folder named “last name_RuleofThirds”
3. Then, compress the folder. Turn in zip file. Written descriptions due at table today as well.
Monday, September 9
1. SD CARD (8GB-16GB)
2. Ten photos (5 strong Rule of Thirds/ 5 Breaking Rule of Thirds).
Tuesday, September 3
Today’s Class Activity is based upon this website (click image):
Select 10 Photos composed with Rule of Thirds. Note the Season /Year/ City, Category, Place, First sentence of caption. Then describe how Rule of Thirds is used in the photo.
Thursday, August 29
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Assignment: Visit “Photos of the Week – The Atlantic” (Aug 16, 2019) and identify 10 photos with clear composition elements. Screenshot the images (with caption) you select (Command + Shift + 4), and create a Google Slides Presentation. Apply Composition Elements to your selected photos. Type “Compositional Element: (Name of Compositional Element).” Your completed Google Slides presentation should feature a title page, 10 labeled slides (w/caption present), and a credits page.
Monday, August 26
Due today: 5 Photos that reflect symmetry. Class Activity: Writing About Your Photos & Preparing Photos for submission.
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Wednesday, August 22
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Tuesday, August 20
Tuesday, August 20
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![]() Symmetry Worksheet |
Thursday/Friday, August 15/16
Begin today by in C110 by viewing this video:
Complete this assignment on paper with pen or pencil:
Link for JR TED Talk worksheet
Complete “Camera Roll Photos” assignment. See description below for transferring photos to desktop and how and what to write in “Comments” section of “Get Info.”
Finished with Camera Roll Assignment? Complete Letter of Introduction on Google Docs. See description from Monday below for details.
Wednesday, August 14
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Review Computer Lab Rules![]() |
Review Camera Use Policy and Contract (Signed Contracts Due tomorrow)
Review Course Description
Monday, August 12
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